Tuesday 26 January 2016

Ceritera Kedua: Customer Service

Since I'm not busy today.. here you go my second entry :) 

As I’m working as Customer Service Assistant:

A lady, look totally gorgeous came to me and asked me to look for a book. She just wore a simple shirt, leggings and a pair of sandals.

With such a flawless, fair skin and Chinese look she started to open her mouth.

‘Is there is any section about Islam here, but I want it in English as I can’t speak in Malay’
Then I realized, she wanted to look for a book about Islam but she was non- Muslim. The first thing came cross to my mind that she wanted to convert her religion.

After simply look at the shelf and look up the books that she wanted, she get to my customer service counter, then suddenly asking me a favor.

‘Are you a Muslim? Do your wife wear niqab’?

I replied, ‘Yes, I’m a Muslim but I’m not married yet’

‘Oh okay, may I know about Islam? I just want to know your views or perspective about it, it’s okay I’m open minded person’ she just smiled.

Me, ‘As I’m not very religious but I still in the process of learning and I will try my best to tell you what I know about Islam’

The conversation continue, then a girl which I recognized as a friend named Wawan came to the photocopy machine with a smile on her face.

Why girls wear niqab? Why some of them don’t wear the scarf? the lady asked.

From my view, ‘Actually a Muslim must wear the scarf and the term for the must that we use is ‘wajib’, the main reason is that women should be protected. I’m sure you know why I’m saying this right? The pretty things attract people easily.

They don’t wear scarf because they still learning about Islam and it is all depend on their heart and will, there are a process that we called ‘hijrah’ which a process of a person to be a better person. If they want to change with such a good heart and will I’m sure they will know the appearance of the scarf, In Sha Allah.'

When I looked at her, I’m pretty sure that she have learnt a little about Islam, then she replied, ‘They only can show the hair or some part of the body especially for their husband they married isn’t?

Wawan must have overheard what we are talking about, since she was using the machine to copy the documents.

‘Yes that is true, they have to cover some part of the body, for women they have to cover the body except for their face and also the starting from the wrist and for male they have to cover from the belly button to their knees, this cover things we call it as ‘aurat’’, I replied.

She began to look so curious, ‘Then how about the niqab’, I see those women cover their face, is it a must too? Well it must be hard for the women to cover their body’.

‘That is a special case for it..’ I recalled back what I have learnt before in school a moment and I took a glance at Wawan.

Then I asked Wawan about it because I don’t want the lady to wait for the answer. Wawan hesitated and said ‘pretty, accident.. hurrmmm… uhh ahh’.

I get what Wawan meant actually, then I answered ‘Some women think they are too pretty sometimes, then to avoid the conceit feel they wore ‘niqab’.

The lady giggled, when she thought about what I said.

‘Well as you know even a girl with bare face can look so pretty more than a person with make up on, am I right? And that is the point. In our society nowadays, even a girl that look pretty with scarf can also be kidnapped and killed. That is why law about women were introduced so that women can be protected. Some women wear niqab’ because they want to cover the scar on the face or maybe they had a disease that can’t be treated. With niqab’ they would feel more confident to confront with people.’

‘That’s sound interesting’ the lady said. Wawan just nodded while I took a glance at her again.
‘Well do you know why I’m asking all of this kind of stuff? I just wanted to forget about my boyfriend that just left me’

I saw the tears start to fill her hazel colored eyes.

‘I’m looking for something (path) that can guide me to fill inside me’, she said. Her eyes became red and tears start to roll on her cheeks. ‘As you know it quite sensitive to talk about this but thank you for telling me all of this things…. Well when it comes to religion we need to be free sometimes right? but we have to learn something that motivates too.

‘Your most welcome miss… what you hear is just my opinion but I hope that we can refer back to the Al-Quran’ my voice started shaking and I don’t know why.

By the way, do you have a Quran that is in English? Actually I was looking for it so I can understand clearly about Islam.’ she talk to me as she look at the book she look up just now.
‘I’m sorry miss, but we only have the Al-Quran that was translated in Bahasa but maybe you can look up from other bookstores’, I said as I felt sorry that I can’t find what she need.

‘Maybe one day you can try to go Masjid Negara, because last time I saw there were a lot of tourist talk about Islam there and the volunteers can help you. I hope after this you can refer everything from the Al-Quran since we just discussed openly like this.’ I told her, hoping that she can find her path.

‘It is okay. Well thank you again’. She replied as she got her sense back.

 After that she left the counter and bought the books to the cashier.

After she left, I did realized a lot that I really lack when it comes to this and I hope Allah can open her heart to accept Islam. My eyes filled with tears as I remembered and saw her came to the store for the third time to buy and bought some of the book about Islam again and again. That was the last time I saw her….

*ring! ring !ring!*

I was surprised. The phone is ringing.

‘I guess, I have to go back to work now’ (yawning~)

*I’m very sorry if this story might hurt anyone or lack of anything* #PEACE

Monday 25 January 2016

Ceritera Pertama: Dip. Sains Kesetiausahaan

23rd January 2016

First Entry First Blog First year of the month of 2016. Still a beginner though :P

If you know me, I’m the most blur person you’ve ever met ß(-------baru sedar diri------)

Well I don't know what I'm going to write here... hurm lemme see

Hahahha LOL, well it took a long time for me to think about

Lets Start with Assalammualaikum Dunia~#np Faizal Tahir – Assalamualaikum (tggu Anugerah Juara Lagu esok heheheh)

Okay lah cerita pasal zaman belajar lah ek senang, okay x? hahah (macam enjoy sendiri je /-_-/) –kucing lalu meoww~-
*entry ni untuk korang yang nak apply course ni atau mungkin nak apply politeknik melalui UPU*


Minta maaf kalau saya ambil gambar dari mana2 : X

Kalau tengok kat gmbr tu sapa2 yang pernah pergi mesti tau... tu lah Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah (PSIS), Sungai Lang Sungai Air Tawar kat Sabak Bernam, Kuala Selangor. (rindu sekejap.. SEKEJAP je le)

Haihhh… teringat pulak zaman2 lepas SPM dulu apply UPU (skrg harga No Pin dah mahal eh??) hurmm.. sadis, -(T,T)- kita kena terima & pasrah dengan ketentuan Qada’ & Qadar dari Allah S.W.T, bersyukur lah (tersedar dlu ambil Tasawwur Islam kat sekolah) Alhamdulillah, mujur ada pamoga sekarang dah tamat belajar kat PSIS. Tapi teman nak throwback balik zaman2 tu…

Okay2 serious balik deh….banyak main budak ni (ayat kawan2 selalu guna *.* wopss! )

2012- Dulu masa sekolah tak pernah tahu pun pasal politeknik ni, hurmm tup2 masa tgh ‘berkhidmat untuk negara’ tu datang pulak surat tawaran, masa isi UPU tu baru tahu, selama ni pandang kat Universiti Awam (IPTA) je (nmpk x mindset dlu).. haihhh (itu lah sapa suruh pak cik kamu isi, lepas tu main2 isi online tu kan dah kena) dpt pulak kursus DIPLOMA SAINS KESETIAUSAHAAN.  (SERIOUSLY SENDIRI TAKK MINAT)

KESETIAUSAHAAN, KESETIAUSAHAAN, KESETIAUSAHAAN.. kenapa diulang 3 kali? Sebab akan ada manusia buat2 tambah KESETIAUSAAAAAN, KESETIAUSAWANAN, KESETIASUSAHAN, yang tambah SUSHA pun ada jugak dan yang tambah SAWAN memang mintak pelempang (bang bang bang)ß ???

Seriously bila aku dapat tahu je, aku rasa mcm x nak ambil course ni… straight aku ckp direct kat nenek x nak masuk, pagi2 buta dah buat orang tua ni membebebebebebebel dah hadoiii… atok pun mampu melihat je (6_6), lepas pasrah untuk 3 jam *boleh dikira?* (aku pun terima jelah)
Lepas habis je PLKN kat Teluk Rubiah, Seri Manjung, Perak tu dlu.. ada lah masa seminggu je tggu nk masuk poli… Kau bayangkan SEMINGGU, SEMINGGU beb.. tercabar jiwa nokharom.. hurmmm penat kot baru balik dari PLKN lepas tu nak buat persiapan nak lari rumah (eh? O.O) *pembetulan* nak masuk poli, nk buat medical check up lah, nak dapatkan pengesahan borang, beli keperluan semua (tension woooah).. tapi tak mengapa, demi semangat nak sambung belajar kita teruskan jua (ye ke?) -yang penting masa tu mmg tgh botak kepala- #PLKN

First day- Ramai yang kata tempat PSIS ni kat pelusuk hujung dunia? (maksudnya kat tepi laut) Tapi betul ke? (memang betul pun ~,~) Okay, bermulalah hari pendaftaran kat PSIS, dengan baju putih & seluar slack hitam menaiki kereta saga bersama keluarga tercinta yang dipandu oleh Ma. Jauh jugak nak masuk PSIS ni kat pedalaman kampung rupanya (jakun teramat sebab x ada kampung) yang ditemani bau2 haruman pan kek atas jalan & disapa lembu2 keliling. Rasa tu campur baur jugak. Teruji jugak masa hari pendaftaran tu, nebes bercampur ‘excited’.
#Dewan Serbaguna PSIS.. pergh ramai gila orang kat sini, semua pakai baju putih je banyak.. parents semua kena duduk kat luar. Bila masuk kat dewan tu dengan borang2 yang unit pengurusan nak, ada seorang senior tegur.. ingatkan apa dh rupanya dia tanya ambil course apa je, terpaksa cakap diploma sains kesetiausahaan. Last2 dia bagi kertas kecil warna biru tulis DSK. Aku tengok budak2 keliling pegang kertas hijau, merah, kuning tp aku je biru.. 

nampak pelik kat situ lah. Duduk2, tunggu giliran & tengok muka budak2 batch intake Jun 2012 (masa ni semua muka ‘baby’ face) nampak menipunya*. Tetiba kelihatan seorang yang ‘familiar’ dari jauh, rupanya member dari PLKN yang aku jumpa first day kat first pit stop tempat makan kat Perak. First day jugak nmpk muka dia kat sini (rasa happy skjp tp aku tau dia course lain, still xde kawan satu course T.T). Dekat 20 minit tunggu, tup2 ada orang panggil suruh pergi kat hadapan meja dia, ‘Minta tolong serahkan borang2 yang diminta’. Aku bagi je lah ‘Okay’. ‘Awak ni course DSK, nnti kita jumpa eh?’ (uish… perempuan ni lecturer rupanya) *lec ni ajar keyboarding skill*. Terbeliak mata aku 0.0… jeng jeng jeng~

Kursus Diploma Sains Kesetiausahaan asal dari Jabatan Perdagangan ni kena ambil selama 3 tahun. Dulu 2 tahun je tapi sekarang kena ikut format baru & keselarasan kursus ni. Tak semestinya kau ambil setiausaha kena buat kopi lah, buat fotostat lah tp sebenarnya kerjanya ni lebih dari tu semua! (siapa yang berusaha dialah yang berjaya) Setiausaha- orang kuat & tulang belakang sesebuah syarikat, ye lah sebab ramai yang akan ‘refer’ kat kau biasa kalau dah jd P.A untuk bos besar e.g chairman. Kalau orang lelaki ambil course ni mesti semua orang pelik sebab biasa kursus kesetiausahaan ni untuk perempuan je kan?. Tak salah untuk orang lelaki belajar course ni, dalam course ni ada belajar pasal personality development, soft skill (ni bukan skill lembut ye, hahaha) kebanyakannya lebih kepada bisnes dan lain2. Ada juga belajar menaip, trengkas & shorthand.

In sha Allah, kalau korang ambil atau dapat course ni nnti mesti korang tau lah apa benda jadah ni ehehe kalau nk tau sangat MR GOOGLE kan ado… Ingat lah, kalau ambil kursus ni x semestinya akan jadi setiausaha, tp banyak skop kerja yang boleh masuk tau. Contohnya, penolong akauntan, pembantu tadbir pejabat, penolong pegawai eksekutif, pembantu am, keusahawanan & banyak lagi. Boleh jadi dalam satu kelas, semuanya perempuan (Minah2 yang suka cuci mata mesti meroyan,x de lelaki dalam kelas xD). Kadang2 lelaki pun ada boleh jadi sorang, 2 orang.. x pun lebih dari tu, ikut nasib lah KALAU ADA. Nisbah dia mcm 9:1 dah hahaha. Lagi2 kalau kau lelaki then jadi kelas rep mesti merana hidup zzzzZZZZZ =.=” (x mampu ku ulangi lagi~)
Course ni bukan je ada kat PSIS. Tapi ada kat poli lain jugak (tak ingat nama poli :P) mungkin pada mata orang lain course ni mungkin nampak simple (belum cuba belum tahu ;) ). Kalau every sem dapat 4 flat tu memang gua tabik lu lah! Ahahah. 

Yang ini shorthand.

Apa jadah ni? Makhluk ni bukan bukan tulisan kuno biarpun nama dia tangan pendek. Jangan ditanya kenapa nama dia macam tu. Kat poli akan belajar tulisan ni guna buku dari oversea by Pitman dalam bahasa Inggeris ye. (aku sendiri x kenal sapa dia ni) Tulisan ni fungsinya untuk mengambil catitan mengikut kepantasan yang dibaca kemudian mentranskripkannya (Nampak bukan mudah?). Banyak shortform & phrases kenal hafal biarpun buku dia kecil bak buku GAPEN time skolah (harga buku rm 45 dlu masa beli, import tau) Lagi2 bila nak guris ni kena ikut bunyi ye. Berbelit lidah nak sebut ENGLISH haha.. course ni ada pra-syarat kalau lepas shorthand 1 boleh ambil shorthand 2. Kalau x lepas hurm.. nasib ler, yang penting kena ada kesungguhan & dedikasi yang tinggi (cewahhh ^_^) Ada dalam versi Bahasa Melayu pulak dipanggil Trengkas, ni pun ada lebih kurang dgn shorthand tapi diguris mengikut kata dasar. (confirm korang x faham ni hahahaha) #abaikan

Yang penting kalau nak belajar tu niat tu perlulah ikhlas dari hati kerana Allah S.W.T
Kita manusia biasa ni hanya mampu merancang tapi Allah yang menentukan.
Saya minta maaf sekiranya ada sebarang kekurangan atau perkara2 yang boleh melukakan hati anda.
Assalammualaikum. J